January 11, 2008, Newsletter Issue #87: Your Ounce of Injury Prevention

Tip of the Week

It is much easier to avoid injury than it is to recover from it. While all injuries can't be prevented, there are things you can do – beyond making sure you have running shoes that fit your feet and biomechanics – to prevent injury.
• Warm up and cool down. Sudden stresses are more likely to cause injury. Work your way gradually into – and out of – workouts and races.
• Stretch. Tight muscles are more prone to injury than flexible ones. Gently stretch regularly. Yoga is an excellent way to ensure that your muscles are loose and flexible.
• Cross-train. Most sports – including running – use certain muscle groups more than others. To help keep your body in balance, cycle, swim, lift weights, or participate in other sports regularly.
• Take time off. Running streaks are points of pride for many runners. But they can also predispose them to injury. Like any vigorous physical activity, running stresses your body. Schedule rest days into your training plan to give your body a chance to recover.

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